20 Things I Learned in 2020


WE MADE IT! Like I said, the end of each year always comes with some sort of reflection for me. Since this year was a whirlwind, I thought I’d write down some takeaways to maybe one day look back on & think about! 

  1. Being alone is not a waste of time, it’s actually healthy for you. 

  2. Focus on what you do have. 

  3. Check up on your loved ones. 

  4. You can make any day a fun day with a little bit of imagination. 

  5. If you appreciate someone, tell them!

  6. Lean into sadness, but do not dwell in it. 

  7. You’re doing much better than you think. 

  8. It’s okay to feel every emotion to the full extent. 

  9. Take the time to listen to the stories of those around you.

  10.  It’s okay to be confused about where you are in life - not everything has to be revealed to you at once. 

  11. Do not force connections with others.  The ones who care about you will make the effort & show you they care. 

  12. It’s okay to be be sad about change, no one said change was easy!

  13. Make bold decisions, when necessary. If you want something, go get it!

  14. Learn new skills - it’s fun!

  15. Stop getting inside your head when you’re bored, that won’t help anything!

  16. Be gentle with others, but know how you want to be treated. 

  17. Lazy days are OKAY, you don’t have to be a productivity machine 24/7!

  18. Share new music with your friends!!

  19. Be your own cheerleader! You are more capable than you believe!

  20. No matter what happens, you will be okay!!

I wish you a safe & Happy New Year! I just posted my 2020 year recap video on my YouTube (linked below)

It would mean the world to me if you checked it out (no negative vibes I promise)!! Here’s to a wonderful 2021, I’ll see you in the new year!! 😙🥂




Small Victories