A Window to Pittsburgh


Let me tell you something about my new friends from Pittsburgh. They are 9 completely different people that make up a great whole. They were an unexpected bunch in my life, but they are wonderful. They welcomed me into their lives and their tight-knit high school group without hesitation. I’ve never met such caring people in my life. While we haven’t known each other for long, they’ve been there for me so much, I feel like I’ve known them my whole life. I only think it’s fitting to recognize each person in their own special way. 

Caitlyn - Let’s start with who started this all, my love, Caitlyn. Caitlyn and I met as timid little freshmen auditioning for our college dance team. From the instant I met her, I knew I wanted to be her friend. She lights up every room she’s in, and she is the best friend a girl could have. She lifts me up when I’m down, and blessed me with 9 new friends :) 

Anna - Next up is Ms. Anna. Now I knew who anna was even before I met her. She was introduced to me as “omg you hAVE to meet my roommate/BFF” by Caitlyn herself. Not gonna lie, I was super nervous to meet Anna (I felt like I had to impress the in-laws LOL). But after meeting her, I knew there was nothing to be nervous about. Anna is the easiest person to talk to in this world. She has a way of instantly making conversation comfortable, and cares for her friends like no other. 

Sydney - When I tell you Sydney is one of thEE funniest people I know.....like THEE funniest, I’m dead serious. Sydney always brings a smile to my face. Her passion and dedication to what she loves is so inspiring, and if you ever need a killer eyeshadow look for going out, she’s your girl (the makeup skills are unmatched)! 

Tim - TIMMY!!! Truly one of the kindest, most intelligent people I know!! If anyone could save the world...I have absolutely no doubt in my mind tim could! Not only is he good at literally everything he does, but his sense of humor is TOP notch!! He’s such a good person, being around him makes you want to be a better person. And that’s the tea (Tim also laughs at my jokes, and my ego does not let that go unnoticed hehe). 

Julian - Julian is the only member of the squad I have not actually met in person! However, he is still one of the most genuine people I’ve (virtually) met. I know for a fact if I needed it, I could tell Julian anything and he’d be there for me, and that’s the mark of a genuine person I’m my mind. 

Meghan - Meghan is one of the strongest people I know. She’s been through so much in this life, but doesn’t let that stop her from being there for her friends and putting their needs before her own. After only meeting Meghan once, I (once again) felt like I’ve known her my whole life. She’s one of those ride-or-die friends, and she gives the absolute BEST advice!!

Bryan - Even though Bryan and I had an ...interesting ....start to our friendship (lol), he has become a close friend of mine. You can always find him cracking jokes and making situations comical. But what I think is most notable about Bryan is his ability to be serious when times get tough. He’s always one of the first people to notice somethings off, and send a heartfelt message - and that’s pretty cool!

Aaron - Once again, someone I have only met once (which honestly blows my mind).    Aaron has become one of my closest guy friends. Not only does he make me laugh like no other, but he has an incredible gift for listening. I could call him with any issue, and know he’d be there for me. I don’t know how he does it, but his heart is bigger than anyone’s I’ve met (even if he won’t admit it haha). 

Pier- In the ways of my little sister, allow me to scream, PIER! Pier is honestly the most positive soul I’ve ever met. I’ve rarely ever seen pier without a smile on his face. Pier will say things under his breath that are so funny it takes me a minute to process them. Even on tough days, pier is there for you, adding some humor to your day (usually with a roast for the other boys).

Now whats the point of this big long “ode” to my friends you may ask? There really isn’t one besides me being grateful for the new people in my life. All these personalities together make up such a fun group, and I wouldn’t trade their support and care for anything! So thank you, Pittsburgh, you’ve brought me more joy than you know! 

Tell your homies you love them everyone :)❤️


Happy Coffee Day!


Coming Soon!