College Dance


YES. Let me start off by saying that real quick. Wow where do I begin?

Okay so, dance has been such a huge part of my life. As corny as it sounds, in this crazy, changing world, dance seems to be one main constant in my life. My interests have obviously changed over time, but I think dancing is one thing I’ll never get tired of.

Disclaimer: now I’m not saying that I’m this incredible professional by ANY means LOL. I just know how much joy it brings me and I never want to forget the feeling I get when I’m performing, or simply dancing around the house annoying my family.

Any dancer will tell you, when they dance, their troubles go away. Your world is reset for a moment and you’re simply living in that moment. I know this sounds superrrr cheesy, but it’s 100% true.

When I got to college, I’m not gonna lie, I was extremely nervous about how dance was gonna go. I knew that I wanted to keep dance in my life, but I was unsure about how to go about it. I put on my “brave shy freshman girl tennis skirt” (lol #iykyk), and I took myself to the activities fair at Penn State. My first goal was to obviously search for the club dance section. This is where I found my current dance team, Rêve Dance Company!!

We’re a smaller dance team that focuses on all different types of dance! We’ve gotten to perform at a ton of school events and functions like parades, talent shows, showcases, and even Penn State’s THON (literally one of the BEST experiences in the world…tell me I’m wrong…jk don’t… just trust me on this one, it’s amazing).

Let me tell you how GLAD I am that I tried out for Rêve! These girls have literally become my family and are some of my closest friends at Penn State!! After being in the studio together 24/7 and hanging out outside of practice, I can genuinely say that I feel like these girls know me better than myself sometimes!!

For me, having a smaller community within a school of 46,000 was SO huge! It’s made an at-first daunting place feel like a home for me :)

My overall point is, if you’re passionate about something, DO THAT SHIZ! Do whatever it takes to make yourself happy! I know that’s super easy to say, but I can’t imagine what I would’ve missed out on if I had let my fears stop me from trying out and continuing to pursue something I love!


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