For My Girlies

Now before you say what I know you’re thinking, yes I’m aware the first photo is of me and not my pals…I’m getting there I promise there’s a reason to this 🤌

In the first photo, I got this new dress and tried her on and felt great! I wanted to take the opportunity to do a little photoshoot …so what did I do? Got all made up and literally went to a field in my hometown (shoutout Cece you grinded for me ❤️)

And what did all my friends do? Every single one of them here didn’t even question it. They hyped me up.

That’s the thing about these lovely ladies. They’re always gonna be there to hype me up. They’re always down for my spontaneity. They always lift my spirits when needed. They’re the type of friends that you road-trip with and don’t get sick of, or the friends that you could be stranded in an empty room with and still have fun.

Each one brings something special in my life. For example, Caitlyn is the human form of sunshine. She’s always happy to see you, she’s always smiling. Madi and Jess (Jess, I didn’t forget about you I promise we just need an updated photo lol) are the funniest people I’ve ever met. Like when I say I’m ROLLING every time they step foot in the room, I’m not exaggerating. Jess gives some of the best advice on the planet. Madi is my adventure buddy and literal other half. Mj is the most down to earth, empathetic person you’ll ever meet. She’s everyone’s rock and she’s damn good at her job. And Maria has been my best friend since I was 2 years old. She’s the mom of the group and puts everyone else’s needs before her own. She is without a doubt the most genuine person on the globe too.

As you can see, I’m feeling extra grateful for these special ones today. Thank you for all you do for me. And, like always, tell your people you love them. You never know who needs to hear it :)


Little Miss Sunshines


The Thing About the Ocean