You Are More

I’ll admit that lately I’ve been feeling super anxious. The past few weeks have been a war on my emotions.

I had seen this sweatshirt a few months ago and ordered it immediately, as I knew I’d love the reminder in the future. However, I forgot about my order until it came a few days ago - at the most timely moment!

Sometimes I think the fear of the unknown can get to me. I’ve been dealing with anxiety since I was 7 years old, and one of the big triggers for me is the unknown. While it’s not easy to admit when you’re afraid, I like to remind myself that simply acknowledging the fear is something huge! And that is enough. It’s not your job to have everything figured out right now.

When I get anxious I start to get self conscious as to why I just can’t shut off my anxious thoughts. I get self critical really fast. Learning that I am more than my anxious thoughts has changed my life. I realized that anxiety does not control me or my value. It is a small part of me that I accept, but it’s not all of who I am.

I posted this photo in the simplest way I could think of - no makeup, wet hair, timer photo on my phone. An easy way to remind myself I am more than what’s on the outside. I am more than what makes me anxious on the inside. And so are you! So is everyone. We are all made up of hundreds of things. And it’s time we start recognizing how beautiful that is!


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