Keep Your Head Up

I thought I’d talk about something that I haven’t before (big shoutout to my friend Teddy for the idea hehe). Long-distance friends!!

Let me explain my situation currently. Most of my close college friends live in different towns than me. Even those who live closer, I don’t get to see all the time because life is so busy! Time with my high school friends, who are obviously from the same area as me, is limited. 

As I’m getting older, it’s starting to hit me that in a short year, I won’t get to see my friends as often. The real world, jobs, and different cities will unfortunately be our reality. Of course I can always visit friends, but it’ll just be different. 

Luckily, I have a TON of experience with keeping friendships with those many miles away - so if you’re worried about maintaining friendships after school, I got you! 

The thought of being far away can be daunting, so here’s what’s helped me the most: your friends are your friends for a reason. They’re not going to forget your existence overnight (or they shouldn’t at least). No amount of distance should change their care for you. 

So keep your head up! It’s easy to worry about if you mean the same to others as they do to you. Not being able to see your people 24/7 is hard, but just focus on how much of a blessing it is to have them in your life in the first place! I know I’m beyond blessed with the friends in my life (hehe hey buddies ily), no matter the distance :)


Extra, Extra!


Why I Do What I Do