Kitchen Table

Now fair warning: I definitelyyyyy run the risk of this coming off super corny & emotional - but at this point what else would you expect from this page!

Initially, when I first saw the quote on the second slide, it took my breath away. I feel like it’s such a simple thing to say, but it carries a ton of meaning. I interpreted “putting your strength down” as being able to let your guard down and just exist with no judgement. There’s so much power in being near people who you can be completely yourself around.

While having these people in your life is extremely important, it also made me realize that I want to internalize this and be that person for others. That’s my goal. I want to be the person that others feel safe around. All I can do is try my absolute best to be the person someone can just sit at a kitchen table and exist with (as weird as that sounds lol). Someone you don’t have to “perform” for or be a different version of yourself for - that’s the ultimate goal.

I also realized how important it is for me to also be this person for myself. Putting my own self judgements aside and letting myself just be - especially in this transition period trying to find my way around the south - is so important.

Imagine a walking, mobile, safe space? To me - that’s the dream and the biggest flex someone can be! So yes, while I did find this quote on a cheesy tik tok slideshow scrolling randomly, I think it’s a fantastic goal for myself every day - will I hit that goal? Hopefully, who knows. But I will try my best!


The After Effect


Charleston !!!