Love Exists in You

Here we are, yet another post, inspired by a quote I found on Tik Tok LOL (I once again do not know the original author so if you do pls lmk) and this one made me rethink everything: “i know love is real because i exist and I’m full of it.”

The concept of love is so complex yet so simple. Everyone’s definition of it is different. Everyone’s experiences with it is different.

However, in some way shape or form, we are all searching for it. I’m not necessarily talking about romantic love either. In some sense, everyone is longing (or at least I hope) to have love present in their lives - whether this be feeling loved and accepted, filling your life with the things you love/love to do, being a powerful loving force in the world, etc.

I feel like it’s easy to get down on ourselves about love and how we fit into the concept of it. We’re quick to think love isn’t real or it doesn’t exist when it doesn’t fit the mold of what we want it to at an exact point in time.

When I saw this quote, I realized that it’s a fantastic way to remind ourselves of the good left in the world (even when we may not feel it all the time). We’re always told to look inward at ourselves, but this time, I truly understood what that meant: Love exists in you.

Think about how you have loved in the past - the love you felt for your favorite stuffed animal or your first pet, the love you have for your favorite hobby, or the love you show others each day in little ways. Even in your romantic life, you get up and try to show love to others the best way you can.

I think it’s a beautiful thing that we strive to seek out love in our lives no matter what it costs us. While sometimes it can feel taxing or discouraging (as dealing with emotions is hard LOL), love exists because you exist. We are full of love to give to the world. We also get to keep that love for ourselves. It’s just up to us to remember that it’s there - whether we see it or not 🤍


23 !!!


The After Effect