Morning Coffee

(My grandmother’s banana bread and iced cold brew :D )

(My grandmother’s banana bread and iced cold brew :D )

So, it’s not really morning. In reality, it’s probably around 12 or 1:00. I should definitely be eating lunch, and I’ve already consumed more coffee than water.

I’ve never been a morning person….like ever. I’m pretty much notorious in my family for being the hardest child to wake up and get ready in the morning.

But, quarantine has made me really appreciate the simplicity of the morning. Coming downstairs, making breakfast and coffee, and getting a huge greeting from my dog, have become the highlight of my day! Things I used to take for granted are my entire world now.

Even though times can be boring right now, I've challenged myself each day to find the day’s “highlight.” Obviously every day won’t have a huge life-changing moment - and I’m still trying my best to learn this - but picking a positive each day like a “morning coffee” to focus on has really helped me :)


Why I Point a Camera in Your Face


A little background…