Text Me When You Get Home


This is one of my favorite things one can say to someone else :)

I think the sentence “text me when you get home” is such a simple and whole-hearted gesture that could really go a long way. In my humble opinion, it’s an underrated way to show someone you care!

Speaking of ways to show people you care, I thought I’d talk about a subject that is super relevant in my life, but something I want to improve on. Recently, after talking to some good pals (hehe you know who you are), I’ve come to realize that oftentimes when people ask “how are you” people will default to the “good” answer, regardless of how they are actually doing. And yes, I’m aware you won’t delve into deep personal matters with everyone you see, and that this is a safe answer for most people. However, this made me wonder just how many people put on this strong front each day. I realized that there is a misconception of “the strong friend” out there today.

Now I would classify “the strong friend” as someone who I think has it all together. Someone who’s always there for me, someone who seems like they have no stress, someone who seems to always have everything “under control.”

Now I’m not saying that those who don’t exhibit those qualities aren’t strong, I just was giving some examples of the first things that came to mind when thinking of certain friends in my life. In reality, I think “the strong friend” is a myth! Everyone has their worries, everyone puts on some sort of front to the public.

“The strong friend” is by no means an insult either! It’s honest probably flattering for most people to hear that they got it together lol! However, I will admit, that there are certain friends in my life that I would classify as those who I’d feel hesitant asking about how they are - like how they truly are. Why this is, I have no clue to be honest.

That being said, I’m gonna make it known here that you do not have to be “the strong friend” 24/7, even though you might feel like you do. It is not your job to have everything in life figured out. It is not your responsibility to repress what you’re feeling if you truly want to share it!

I know everyone says “check up on your strong friends.” It’s a pretty common saying these days especially. But this year, I’m promising myself that I will reach out to more friends. I will make my best effort to provide a listening ear to them, without making them feel like they have to share anything they aren’t comfortable sharing.

Just like the simple phrase “text me when you get home,” a small gesture like a “tell me how you really feel" or “how are you really doing” could make all the difference! Especially with today marking a new semester for many people, I think it’s important to check up on one another. A new start doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t previous burnout people are feeling.

Like always, I hope you know that you can come to me with any concern or worry you might be facing (regardless of how well we know each other, what we’ve been through, etc). I would love to “text you” when I get home as well :)




It’s You