You Are Not Alone

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It’s true. You aren’t alone.

I just thought I’d come on here and share this message, since life seems to be getting crazy stressful for a ton of people.

These four words are super easy for me to forget in a world full of COVID. Right now, it seems like just when things are starting to get better, something gets 2x worse. It’s super easy to feel lost and alone - trust me, I’m feeling it as I type this!

But these words have kept me going. Remembering that everyone is in this battle simultaneously and that we have each other to talk to (safely, that is) is the little comfort we have at the moment.

So I just thought I’d mention, if you feel alone or like nothing is going right, pleaseeee reach out to me!! I’m always ready to listen and any and all my forms of messaging are open to you. Talking to you about your life would definitely help me get my mind off mine, so you’d be doing us both a favor! If you don’t want to talk about your stress, that’s fine too! Whatever you need, I’m here. And I mean that.

❤️This fight isn’t over, but I think it could be more bearable if we talk though what we’re experiencing!


Happy First Day!


Making a Movie