Zoom University: How to Survive It


So by now, we’ve all gotten over the “honeymoon phase” of this quarantine. As comforting as it is to be home, this two-month long “spring break” isn’t necessarily comfortable.

But that’s okay!

I think we all forget to give ourselves a break once in a while. We all strive to be so great that we get mad at ourselves when there’s a set back. We even get mad at ourselves for being mad!

Even though I’m incredibly grateful and fortunate enough to be safely quarantined and in good health, I still recognize that it this will be a time where I will have to continuously work at being positive.

Thanks to my good pal Teddy (@teddy_cebulski), I was given the recommendation of talking about balancing school and home life! So here we go…

Before I start the list, I want to add that this is an easily attainable list (not too ambitious or over the top). I know there are a bunch of “ways to achieve success” out there, but they often seem super hard to actually do.

May I present to you a so-called “master list” of tips & ideas that help me keep life balanced right now:

  1. Try to keep your school routine as normal to the regular times as possible to help you stay productive.

    Obviously there are exceptions here - don’t overkill this if you’re in high school. I know 7 hours straight on a computer is SUPER intense.

  2. Be kind to yourself!

    Try to allow yourself to feel emotions you’re not comfortable feeling, like anger & sadness. I’ve found that letting myself feel things fully is easier than pretending like the emotions aren’t there.

  3. Make more time for what makes you happy!

    This is super easy to push aside right now to make time for “work,” but I think it’s equally important for your mental health to do activities you actually enjoy. This could be taking time to FaceTime a friend, exercising, or even failing to create DIY projects - my favorite current activity. Whatever it is, make it a crucial part of your day & schedule that in! Your happiness is worth more than the “work” ever will (but also like …don’t fail school either….lol).

  4. Finally, recognize that this is happening to everyone, everywhere.

    It’s so easy to feel alone right now, but this is not true!! We have to take a step back and realize that even though we are separated, this is literally a global pandemic.

    A global pandemic people.

    This means the emotions you’re feeling right now are probably felt by millions as well. Yes, it’s easy to generalize, but I think it can help us feel less lonely when we put it in perspective. We’re all fighting this together, and as cliché as it sounds, we’ll all get through this together.

    My email and comments are always open to talk if anyone needs anything at all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out, and hang in there!


Happy Easter

