The Blog

what my brain is thinking today.

Mary Banco Mary Banco

The After Effect

One of my favorite feelings in the entire world is “the after effect” of a long day at the beach. Coming home, showering, and throwing on a sundress is so simple in theory - but it seriously brings me so much joy I can’t explain it.

I noticed that I started wishing for that happy feeling in all times of the year. I kept wishing for summer to come to feel that. I then realized I was forgetting that there are other moments that happen year round that give a similar feeling!

So here’s a little comprehensive list I made of some happy moments that give the same energy as a beach “after effect:”

  • curling up under a big blanket to watch a movie after a long day

  • having the perfect cup of the coffee in the morning

  • laughing so hard it hurts

  • playing music while cooking/cleaning

  • hearing your favorite song playing at the bar with your friends

  • when an animal curls up next to you

  • seeing the first snowfall of the year

  • biting into a warm cookie

  • making people laugh

  • hugging someone you missed

Just some cutie little moments to remember in any time of the year - because why not :)

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Kitchen Table

Now fair warning: I definitelyyyyy run the risk of this coming off super corny & emotional - but at this point what else would you expect from this page!

Initially, when I first saw the quote on the second slide, it took my breath away. I feel like it’s such a simple thing to say, but it carries a ton of meaning. I interpreted “putting your strength down” as being able to let your guard down and just exist with no judgement. There’s so much power in being near people who you can be completely yourself around.

While having these people in your life is extremely important, it also made me realize that I want to internalize this and be that person for others. That’s my goal. I want to be the person that others feel safe around. All I can do is try my absolute best to be the person someone can just sit at a kitchen table and exist with (as weird as that sounds lol). Someone you don’t have to “perform” for or be a different version of yourself for - that’s the ultimate goal.

I also realized how important it is for me to also be this person for myself. Putting my own self judgements aside and letting myself just be - especially in this transition period trying to find my way around the south - is so important.

Imagine a walking, mobile, safe space? To me - that’s the dream and the biggest flex someone can be! So yes, while I did find this quote on a cheesy tik tok slideshow scrolling randomly, I think it’s a fantastic goal for myself every day - will I hit that goal? Hopefully, who knows. But I will try my best!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Charleston !!!

Well, we’re here! My first 2 weeks of living in Charleston have come & gone and wow - I’ve felt all the emotions.

For starters, this place is so beautiful. I’m talking inside & out Charleston is gorgeous. From the beautiful parks, to the good food, to the welcoming vibe I’ve been blessed to receive so far - I am so grateful to be here!!

My first week was definitely an adjustment - learning how to take on a new place geographically and socially (while learning what some new bugs look like lol), was definitely a good challenge. I’m still getting used to it all obviously, but I have a good feeling about Charleston.

Change for me is frightening, but it’s also helped me grow in huge a way as a person. While I’m the first person to get down on myself when there’s an unknown present - I’m learning to be okay with not having everything figured out. It’s not a negative.

I think it’s really important for me to push myself and get the experiences of being a little uncomfortable. Just like riding a bike right? The more you practice the more comfortable you become … (not sure about that one but it was worth a shot).

Overall, I am incredibly excited for this year down south. I told myself no matter how anxious I might be at first, I won’t let me fears stop me from something potentially great! Experiencing as much as I can while I’m young is important to me to keep growing and moving forward.

I’m adopting the mindset that every day is a learning opportunity and I’m so excited to learn more this year in Charleston! 🐚🐳☀️💛

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

A Year in New York

Now that I’m officially moving to South Carolina, I’ve gotten some time to reflect on my year living in New York City - lessons I learned, people I met, emotions I felt. Since this blog is essentially my digital diary, I think it’s only necessary to wrap up my time in my first post-grad home with some thoughts!!

First off, I am incredibly grateful to have been able to move to New York. It was such a privilege to have gotten there in the first place. I feel like I grew so much there as a person learning to enjoy my own company, to trust myself, and to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Putting NYC into words is difficult - there’s so much to say. The city is very fast-paced and can be overwhelming at times, but the opportunities for growth there are immense. With each person I met along the way came different stories/experiences of theirs. With each friend, I learned to look at life through their eyes - all of it exceeded my expectations extremely!

In New York, there’s always something new to see. You’ll never run out of options! The sheer geography of that big of a city was challenging at first LOL, but became easier with time. My favorite days there were the ones spent roaming around neighborhoods, exploring local stores, and visiting parks. Being able to “pop down to the village for drinks,” or “go to Central Park with a coffee,” was always a treat!

Now don’t get me wrong, there were many extremely humbling moments that made me realize how mighty New York is (but I can laugh about them now I promise). Examples include: missing my train stop the first day of work, asking my Brooklyn-born bestie who Aaron Judge was, walking through the heart of Penn Station on Halloween in full costumes, or having way too many close calls stepping on rats!

There were also many high moments that included: working high fashion events and building relationships with designers, living with my second family, meeting new friends, spending holidays in the city, having old friends visit, hanging out with my sister, and having the ability to explore new places easily.

After a short year, I feel like I have more confidence in myself. I am less anxious to start fresh and meet new people - something I’m not sure I could say a year ago. Being able to find a community and wonderful friends in a place as big as New York gives me the confidence to take on South Carolina in the same way!

I’m extremely excited for what’s to come and cannot wait to take you along my second chapter of post-grad life in Charleston!! Based on a few short visits there, I already fell in love with it! Move out is only a few days away - let the countdown to the south begin!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

I’m Moving!!

I am so excited to (I guess more formally) announce that my next chapter of life is taking me to Charleston, South Carolina! I have accepted a new job and will be moving there full time in a month!

You might be thinking to yourself…how did you end up in South Carolina when you know close to no one there… and to that I’d say fantastic question. I kid you not, this is the true story:

I was searching for a new role on a cold, gloomy day in New York, while I just so happened to be watching the Netflix show Outer Banks (its name is a little deceiving because they actually film the show in Charleston, instead of North Carolina where the Outer Banks actually are). I saw the beautiful weather, and very jokingly said to myself, “Ugh living at the beach year round seems like a dream, do people actually live like that?” So I very loosely threw “Charleston tv/film production jobs” into a search and ended up finding just that!

I immediately applied and a few days later I had the job!!! Since then, I have locked in an apartment and started work remotely (until I can get down there) for a company called Go To Team, where I work as a production coordinator. Go To Team has camera crews that are located all over the country. They get hired by other production companies to produce content on various shoots. I couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity and a new city, and I can’t wait to take you along this new chapter with me!

I will admit, leaving the city already is bittersweet and I’m nervous about moving somewhere new. However, trusting myself enough to try something totally different and out of my comfort zone is such a big step for me, and I’m extremely grateful to New York for pushing me to get to that point!! I am more confident in myself this time around that I will find my way in South Carolina - like I did in New York City :)

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Mary Banco Mary Banco


I’ll always remember calling my best friend Teddy while forming the idea for this blog, wondering if I would even remember to post on it. Well, a few days ago marked its third birthday, and I still think one of my biggest blessings (and a quarantine positive lol) is being able to share my everyday thoughts on here. I absolutely love having a (kind of) diary for sharing what I go through, what advice I’ve been given along the way, and what projects I work on.

I feel like I’ve grown a lot as a person these past 3 years, and I owe a huge part of that to this blog! It has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and to not be so self critical all the time. If you read these posts, I cannot thank you enough! It seriously means the world to me. I can’t wait for what the future has in store. Cheers to three years 🥳🥂!!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Milan Fashion Week

I can’t even believe that I’m writing this, but a two weeks ago I got the amazing opportunity to go to Milan Fashion Week in Italy!! I still can’t even comprehend that this happened. If I’m being honest too, it completely came out of left field.

While I was reaching out to designers for NYFW, I wondered what it would be like to experience different fashion weeks. I ended up getting the absolute privilege of working with Julia Matryoshka and Paola Rivarossa from Fashion Vibes Milano, Giuseppe Buccinna, and Michael Spartano at their respective presentations. So off my mom, my aunt, and I went to the fashion capital of the world…and it did NOT disappoint!

So first off, Milan was absolutely beautiful. Everyone was very fashionable and put together walking down the street. It definitely had a cool, modern vibe while also maintaining Italy’s history too. It was the perfect combination of both! One minute you could be seeing a 14th century church, and the next a Fendi store (the absolute range was phenomenal)!

My trip buddies and fashion inspos: my mom and Aunt Kathy, and I had the best time shopping and sightseeing in our free time, while attending the fashion shows at night! It was the perfect city to just roam the streets of and it felt very safe and picturesque. There was always something to see or something going on around you, but it didn’t feel overcrowded. Moral of the story: I am a big fan of Milan.

@_fashionvibesmilano ‘s presentation was nothing short of phenomenal! The organization, run by Julia Matryoshka, highlights designers and creatives during different runway events in Italy, Vancouver, and Brazil. The presentation I went to was held in a beautiful cultural association called the Circolo Filologico Milanese, and it was one of the most spectacular venues I’ve ever seen! The runway ran from the ground floor, upstairs to a second balcony level (where I was filming in the video), and it was visually stunning! The show highlighted 6 different designers’ collections. Everyone involved in the organization from the directors, organizers, staff, and designers were so sweet and welcoming. We had the best time!

The second fashion event we attended was an open house-style presentation. The designers @giuseppebuccinnaofficial, and @michaelspartano ‘s line, @michvasca , were collaborating. Giuseppe designed the clothing and Michael designed the bags being shown.

This event was very cool to me, as it was different from any other fashion event I had been to in the past. The clothing and bags highlighted matched one another’s bold, edgy flare. I liked how the designers were able to interact with everyone present and explain their inspiration behind the pieces. For example, we were told that the inspiration for the very first black handbag, highlighted in the video I made, was inspired by a cobra’s head. I found the whole experience very interesting and unique!

Overall, I am extremely thankful to have been able to take this trip to Milan Fashion Week. The experience was one I will never forget, and it truly was the most special trip. I owe the biggest thank you in the world to my rocks and original fashion inspirations, my mom and Aunt Kathy. Their endless support and love keep me believing in myself every day! Thank you both!! ❤️

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Returning to New York Fashion Week + advice

The month of February was a whirlwind in the best way possible! I had the incredible opportunity to attend two different fashion weeks. First up, I went back to New York Fashion Week - and I’m going to talk about it all here!

Since I had such an incredible experience at last NYFW, I knew I would try anything I could to get back there. This time, I worked with two fantastic designers: Talia Leigh and Samina Mughal at two separate runway events.

@_talialeigh_ ‘s presentation was at the same venue that I had previously been to, The Angel Orensanz Foundation, during their Art Hearts Fashion (AHF) runway presentation. AHF hosts many runway shows each year in NY/LA/Miami. They feature a multitude of different designers from different countries each fashion season.

Working with Talia Leigh was such a wonderful experience! She and her team were so incredibly sweet, trusted me, and gave me a lot of creative freedom. Her collection featured a variety of vibrant colors and materials. The vibe was bold, yet relaxed and it was so great!

The other runway presentation I went to was @smglobalcatwalk . Fashion designer Samina Mughal (@saminamughal_official) leads a fashion show tour during each fashion week in cities like Paris, Milan, London, Dubai, Dallas, and New York. Each runway event highlights the collaborative efforts of different designers, artists, etc.

This event did not disappoint! Everyone I came in contact with was extremely friendly and helpful. The fellow members of the press were hilarious and fun to work with too! There were several collections, all with their own unique flare, which I found very interesting!

I am very blessed to say that I think New York Fashion Week will always be special to me. Each runway event is an entirely new experience. Each is very unique. Seeing so many designers, artists, and creatives coming together during such a grand event is truly inspiring and I would 10/10 recommend it to anyone curious!

general disclaimers & advice:

  • I definitely want to be as transparent as possible when I say that unfortunately on the press/media side, fashion weeks are typically pretty last minute - and that’s totally normal (so if you’re looking to plan in advance, the most time I’ve had before a runway show is around 3 weeks). However, don’t fret! That’s definitely more than enough time to plan/prepare/thrift or buy clothes/communicate with designers I promise!

  • Your outfit does not matter as much as you may think. For me, getting dressed up is super fun. I go thrifting for these events because I enjoy it. It’s fun for me. I love how unique pieces are at thrift stores. I personally love vintage thrift stores - I’ve found great pieces in great condition, while staying in my budget. But I know it’s not fun for everyone. If it stresses you out to find outfits - do not worry about it at all (a ton of press you will find wearing black anyways)! Finding “the perfect” outfit is a myth - nobody at these shows will have the perfect fit. Fashion week is all about expression, and however you express yourself through your clothes or whatever you feel confident in is what matters.

  • In the weeks leading up to fashion weeks, I begin my internet scours. I rely on Google for finding runway schedules. Most runway shows release a runway schedule a few weeks prior detailing what designers will be having presentations at what times/locations/days etc. I then reach out to the designers via Instagram dm and pitch myself from there.

  • Don’t be shy to reach out to designers!! I could reach out to 30-40 at a time and have roughly 2-5 respond and that’s totally normal! A ton of designers already have press teams established. However, it never hurts to ask and if you pitch yourself well, oftentimes they’ll ask you to reach back out in the future. I promise you as soon as you get over the “not wanting to look stupid” mentality, you will thrive (obviously be polite and professional but you already know that)!

  • If you don’t know anyone, you know yourself. This mentality has helped me a ton. There have been many situations I’ve been in where I felt “out of my league” or “out of place” being in the room with so many well-established people I didn’t know at big events. And while it can be intimidating at first, you know your abilities. My friends and family are always reminding me to believe in myself (I know it’s easier to say than do sometimes), but they’re absolutely right! Believe in yourself and believe that you’ll know how to deliver when the time comes. You’re here for a reason. You got this!!!

    • While I’m definitely not an expert or anything, if you’re interested in fashion week(s) and have any questions for me, or how to pitch yourself, I’m more than happy to help in any way I can! Any tidbit that I learn I try to share so you can thrive at the next fashion week!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Waving Through a Window

One of the hardest things I’ve had to come to terms with this year is the feeling of nostalgia. Moving to New York has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and has come with many amazing opportunities. I am aware it’s a privilege to even be here, and am very grateful and humbled to even have the opportunity.

However, it still is extremely hard for me to think about the past. Feeling guilty about being away from my family, seeing some of my friends still at school together, or missing life in college has been a struggle of mine recently. Sometimes I long for the simple things - like being in sweatpants laughing with my friends about nothing.

I think it’s hard to sugar coat that outside the comfort you know, there are some challenging aspects. Your first year starting any new chapter in life will inevitably feel very lonely at times. Yes, there are so many freeing, incredible things that come with adulthood that shouldn’t be discounted. But sometimes it feels like you’re “waving through a window,” at comfort and not feeling it. It’s difficult to feel separated from a community you’ve made for yourself somewhere else. While change is necessary for growth, it still can sting.

I wish I had an answer on how to fix this isolated feeling, but all I can say is that if you are feeling this now, or maybe it’s your next step, remember you are not and will not be alone in this kind of feeling. I’m feeling it, people before you have felt it, and people after you may even feel it too.

I take comfort in the fact that these feelings won’t be forever. If you once made a community somewhere, you can do it again - no matter how long that takes! Focusing on the good aspects of following your dreams and making them reality will definitely help as well! Until then, just know I’m someone you can lean on if you’re struggling with life changes 💘!!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

A Deeper About Me

Currently on Tik Tok, there’s a trend where people share an “about me,” but featuring more niche parts of themselves than they normally would on social media. I loved this idea and immediately hopped on the trend. I try my absolute best to be as authentic on my blog as I can, so I thought I’d make the Tik Tok I shared into a post on here! So here’s a deeper about me:

I’m Mary. I’m 22 years old. I love being outside (parks, beaches, waterfalls - you name it). Adventuring has always been fun for me. My mom and I hunt waterfalls together and always say our best days are the ones with no particular plan, just us roaming around.

I moved from PA to Manhattan over the summer, and it was one of the scariest things I’ve done (and some days it’s still a little scary). I moved to work in the tv/film production industry and was originally terrified I wouldn’t like New York.

Growing up, I was very blessed to live in a pretty tight-knit community. Our town is small. Everyone knew everyone, and I always took comfort in that.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have grown up in a house that has always been the gathering house for our friends and family. I absolutely love gathering people together. It makes anywhere feel like home to me. When I have my own home one day, I want to have the gathering house.

My Grandmare is my namesake, and is the center of our universe at home. One day, I want to be at least a fraction of the person she is.

My dog Tank is one of my favorite living/breathing things, and is one of the biggest sources of my family’s joy. We got him in 2020 a week before lockdown, and I truly couldn’t be more grateful for the world’s best comfort out there!

Anyways, back to New York.

I had visited NYC a ton growing up, and each time I went I felt like it was too big to live in. I took it being big as a negative, since it was different from what I knew.

Luckily, I pushed myself to make the leap and by the time I moved in I was hooked. I quickly learned that change is necessary for growth and that just because it was different doesn’t mean it can’t be another home.

After almost 6 months, I finally feel like I can call New York that second home. It has the biggest place in my heart now and I see it’s size as a positive! There’s always something to do, people to meet. I have my favorite spots and things to do (some faves so far are going to parks, going to get coffee, walking around artsy neighborhoods, showing visiting friends around, and going to museums)!

I’ve been in love with filmmaking since I was 12 years old. I love creating and sharing my work. Videography is something that relaxes me when I’m stressed. My favorite aspect of filmmaking is letting an audience into your brain. I think it’s one of the purest forms of sharing your life with others on a more intimate level and that idea drives me every day. One day, I want to make films for a big production company.

Navigating starting a career has been tricky for me since I like so many things - I want to do it all! I like film and tv making, I like social media, I love the fashion industry! Finding a way to balance all these interests sometimes stresses me out.

The hardest thing for me is learning to accept my own brain. For someone living with anxiety, it means I can often be my own worst critic. One of my biggest learning lessons this year has to been to “ride the wave,” meaning there will be good days and bad days.

I was once told this “freshman year” of adult life will be the best and hardest year of your life so far, and for some reason that’s extremely comforting to me. I like framing it that way since it reminds me that I don’t need it all figured out right now!

So here’s another reminder to me and to you to go easy on yourself! ◡̈

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

22 Things I Learned in 2022

This year, by far, was the most transformative year of my life. It came with most surprises, challenges, and excitement than ever before! For the past 2 years, I have posted about lessons I learned that year and I have loved reflecting back on each year like that! So this year, I decided to repeat that + one extra for 2023!

  1. You are more than capable.

  2. You’ll learn through your surroundings.

  3. You absorb so much more than you think.

  4. Trust your abilities.

  5. Create opportunities - if you want it, go get it.

  6. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.

  7. The unknown is scary, but okay.

  8. Connecting with others is a superpower that shouldn’t be ignored.

  9. Notice when you feel seen.

  10. Notice who makes you feel seen.

  11. Notice when you feel the most alive.

  12. Go easier on yourself. Nobody has the same timeline.

  13. Keep creating. Nothing is too small.

  14. Cherish time with loved ones.

  15. Invite in new traditions and habits, even if it seems difficult.

  16. Relaxing looks different for everyone, learn how you unwind when life gets stressful.

  17. You have to be your own biggest hype person - both professionally and socially. Having your own mind in your corner is the first step to success.

  18. Know your value and what you bring to the table.

  19. Know when and what to hold on to & when to let go.

  20. If it makes you happy, it’s not stupid.

  21. You are so loved and valued, regardless of what your mind might tell you.

  22. Endings are bittersweet, but the sadness that comes with the feeling of things ending won’t last forever - new beginnings are exciting!

  23. Tell your people you love them always.

I am so excited for what’s in store for 2023, and am incredibly thankful for this past year (annddd you knew it was coming but…my year recap video is linked below if you are interested)! Happy New Year🥂

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Christmas Traditions 🎄

I asked what you wanted to read - you answered, Christmas traditions! And I am more than willing to share.

Each year for the holidays, my family does the get-the-tree-decorate-the-house beat, as well as a few of our own traditions!

One tradition we like to do is go to our one local holiday store (I made a reel about it on this page). It’s this huge barn filled to the BRIM with decor (like floor-to-ceiling decor). My family has a little Christmas village we set up, and each year we go, we pick a new piece so the village keeps growing. My parents hope that one day, the my sisters and I will split the pieces and make our own villages for our fams (🥹)

The next tradition that we have is actually a newer one for us. My little sister and I assemble (or attempt to assemble) gingerbread houses, while my older sister chaper(judges)ones.

Each year on Christmas Eve, our family gathers at our cousin’s house to celebrate - and my family usually watches the grinch to finish the night off ◡̈

This year, I got to be in New York for Christmastime, so I think I’ve maybe made some new traditions too! Some of my fave holiday activities so far have been seeing the Hudson yards light display, visiting Rockefeller center & bryant park, finding cozy Christmas bars, and seeing the Nutcracker!

Thank you to those who suggested this post idea - it put me in the best mood! I’d love to hear your traditions if you have them too 🥰🤍

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Mary Banco Mary Banco


I think one of the coolest things we have in the modern day is the ability to create content. While yes, it can get toxic at times, I think there are so many benefits for creative people.

Like I’ve said in the past, my favorite thing about making videos and taking photos is the opportunity to visually create a story. For example, if I’m sitting down telling you about my year and what happened, sure, I could try to sum everything up - or I could just show you. Let’s say I wanted to remember how I was feeling back in 2019 (for some odd reason lol). I now have a visual diary of sorts to remember those exact feelings.

With this in mind, I think it’s important to remember that if creating media is your thing, it should be fun. Sometimes I find myself thinking about how I can make my media the most “perfect” or “aesthetic” I can. And sure, that’s important, but it shouldn’t take away from the original purpose I had of putting stuff out there: it makes me happy.

So if I ever feel dumb taking photos or videos in public (and trust me I often do), I just take a step back and remember - it’s not that deep! Who cares!

And speaking of creating media, we have a brand partnership with today’s post! Since I’m always editing, blue light glasses seriously save me. These adorable blue light glasses are the Lily and Retro style frames from Sojos (they also make really cute sunglasses too for a fashionable Christmas gift if you will)! Thank you @sojosofficial I love them! 🥰

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Big Girl World!

I asked on my Instagram what topics would be interesting for you to hear, and one of the most common themes was handling transitions in life. And while I’m still learning this myself, here are some thoughts that helped me tremendously, that’ll maybe help you too!

What’s important to keep in mind is that it’s completely okay to be uneasy when change occurs. I feel like we put so much pressure on ourselves to effortlessly handle our emotions. We build up these expectations for ourselves that can be impossible to exceed. When you take a step back from any situation you realize that you handled whatever was thrown at you, or will handle whatever’s thrown at you in the best way you can at the given time. There’s no way to rehearse the past or future!

For example, the idea of moving to a new city terrified me at first. Whenever I used to visit New York, for even a day trip, I’d get really overwhelmed. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could see myself living here. But when the time came, I was completely fine.

Now this past summer before the move? Extremely anxious. Incredibly nervous. But that’s normal! Looking back, how else was I supposed to handle a completely new life change without at least a little bit of uncertainty? Humans are habitual creatures - no one’s a master of change (and if you are kudos to you)!

If someone looks like they have it all together - they don’t. I guarantee you. We’re literally all making up rules and stories as we go. Whatever life transition you may be faced with next (maybe you’re moving from one stage of school to the next, maybe a physical move or a new job, maybe you’re hitting mental milestones), know that it’s okay to be unsure what’s next.

Focus on those who make you happy and hold them close. Focus on what you’re doing when you feel most alive and channel that energy into reminding yourself that you can handle whatever life throws at you. Take it from someone who was terrified of what “big girl world” would be like - it’s really not so bad at all! You’re going to make it your own like you always have. And, as always, I’m here as your biggest fan rooting for you every step of the way. Be kind to yourself 🤍

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Mary Banco Mary Banco


Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you and your families have a safe and wonderful holiday!

If today is not the easiest day for you, just know I’m thinking of you and my messages are always open if you need a little pick-me-up ❤️

My heart is warmed today thinking of all the love out there amidst the chaos! So here’s a small list of some things I’m grateful for:

  1. family

  2. old & new friends

  3. new experiences

  4. tank 🐶.

  5. kind words

  6. hugs

  7. laughter

  8. the privilege & opportunity to create media that makes me happy each day ◡̈

I hope today is filled with love (if it’s not, I’m serious, you know where to find me). Tell your loved ones they matter today 🧡!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

Fall Feelings

It’s been a minute since I’ve made a post so - hello (work has been crazy busy with the World Series, but now that it’s come to a close I have some more time to write)!

The beginning of fall, like the beginning of any new season in life, has brought in a whirlwind of emotions for me (literally, who’s surprised). I’ve tried to take note of consistencies - what makes me happy, what makes me anxious, how I act and feel when these emotions come up.

I’ve noticed that something I’ve been anxious about recently is my own worth. For some reason, I’ve been fixated on how much I measure up to others - which is a really toxic mentality to have, especially with yourself. I started to feel like just another number or face with strengths and weaknesses. And yes, while that’s true in essence, there’s no point in looking at yourself that way. Everyone has on and off days. There’s no one out there that can feel 100% all the time. Why are you talking down to yourself?

If you’re like me, sometimes it’s hard to take this advice. As weird as it sounds, sometimes it’s hard to not think poorly of yourself and to be your own biggest cheerleader. Going to war with your brain every day can be exhausting (especially for us anxiety folk). So if that’s the case for you, let me go to war for you today - because you could use another positive voice in your head….or on your screen whatever this is considered lol…

You are not just another face. You are not just another body. You have talent. You have unique abilities. Changing seasons in life doesn’t mean you are losing grip on everything you once knew (this one’s hard to grasp, but just trust me on this one). People love you and care about you. You matter.

And if none of this works for you: you are enough because I damn said so 😌🧡

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

New York Fashion Week

Wow where do I even start… NYFW was definitely unexpected, but ended up being one of the most memorable experiences of my life! In this post, I’ll explain how it all happened: the process before, the shopping, the night itself, and afterwards. All of it!

So for starters, I’ve always thought fashion week was amazing. I was stunned by it but I couldn’t really grasp it. Now I am in no way up with the fashion trends of the year or can predict what’s currently “in” versus “out,” but I love an opportunity to push myself. I decided I wanted to see fashion week in person, if it was possible (thinking it was a one week/one place thing - couldn’t have been more false)! Fashion week happens all over the world at different times of the year, for a bunch of different brands. While I can only speak for what I saw in New York, to my knowledge, there are multiple shows a night at a ton of different venues.

An Instagram account I followed had mentioned that general admission, standing room only, tickets were available for one of the opening night shows. I had intrusive thought like ‘wow it must be so packed I wonder where the photographers will find room’ and then I (metaphorically) stopped dead in my tracks. I wondered how it was possible to be a NYFW videographer …

So how are we getting there? First, I rounded up my friends, and we grabbed tickets to see the opening night show I saw on Instagram. Then I started to look online about how people become the press for these kinds of shows. Not to my surprise, mostly everyone is well-established in the industry. BUT to my surprise, mostly every piece of advice I saw for those who are just starting out said to reach out and send messages!

I think to myself..Mary…are you really about to slide in the DMs of fashion designers…

Yes, yes you are.

I think what’s the worst that can happen, they say no? They’ll probably never even see this message. So I found a list of the designers that would be at the shows in the following days, and reached out to those I felt I could connect with. To my surprise, I received a message from a designer shortly after!

The designer’s name is Tete Rosado, and she creates formal evening-wear gowns. The brand is run by a mother and daughter duo from Mexico, and talented doesn’t even come close to describing how wonderful they are! Tete ended up inviting me to be a part of her video staff for her NYFW runway show, as well as a shoot promoting the dress campaign the next day. When I tell you my jaw hit the floor out of excitement…I’m not kidding (ask Teddy and Maria they got my raw reactions on the phone moments later hehe). At this point, I’m ELATED that I’m going to be seeing and working NYFW, but the only problem was -what on earth do you wear to this kind of thing…

Not gonna lie, it was daunting thinking about outfits. As we all know, fashion week is…well, high fashion (duh), so guests dress to impress. But after asking around and talking to people who had been before about what it was really like, I realized that what you wear to this isn’t really that deep. Yes, it’s fun to dress up, but it should just be a fun event for guests not a stressful time trying to find the “perfect” fit (because let’s be real I had no clue what even constituted a perfect fit). But what I do love is a good hunt….

It had been on my NYC bucket list to check out thrift stores here, so I decided to go thrifting to find my outfit. I did my research (admittedly YouTube videos and Tik Tok), about where some cool thrift and vintage stores were, and I ended up having the best time shopping around!

So great, my outfit is secured. Next it’s finally time to go to the shows. My friends and I get to the standing room side which is located behind half the of seats around the runway. Naturally, we move to the end of the rows of seats in front of us to have a space to see the show since it was pretty crowded. Seconds (and I mean secondsss) before the show begins, one of the managers of the event asks us if we want to be seat fillers in the front row until the guests who are supposed to sit there arrive. Of course we say yes, expecting there to be a last minute switch and we’d only be there for a minute - but we were wrong. The ticket holders never show up and they let us sit there for the entire show! The runway was incredible as well as all the designers. Everyone was super friendly too. My friends and I couldn’t stop asking ourselves how the hell that had just happened.

The next day was the day I was filming Tete’s show. Hands down, one of the best experiences of my videography life so far. While I was extremely nervous, I soon felt at ease when I got to go backstage and film the chaos before the show (since I was considered press eek)! I saw the whole process behind the scenes of the makeup and hair stations, the fitting and perfecting the looks, all the way down to the practice walks before the runway. The other members of the press as well as the models were also very kind and easy to work with. We then headed to film the show itself (which once again was spectacular). Tete and her mother looked so beautiful and had everyone’s attention from start to finish!

The next morning I headed over to the Upper East Side to meet at one of the model’s apartments for the shoot. We filmed on a picturesque street with grand doorways before heading into Central Park for the grande finale of the dresses.

Overall, the entire NYFW experience was so special. Saying I’m humbled to have been there is an understatement. I need to give the biggest thanks to Tete, her mother, their entire team, the photographers, and the models of the event. Trusting and allowing me to learn hands-on at NYFW was something I’ll never forget, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity!

(I’ve also linked the vlog I made about the entire experience, as well as the videos I made for Tete (@teterosadomexico)!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco


I’ve always been fascinated by ever-changing styles. What makes something “in style” now could be the exact reason why it’s “out of style” later.

Since I was little I thought “fashion” was interesting, but it became more of a growing interest and one of my hobbies during the pandemic. And it honestly developed out of sheer boredom lol. I began to look at outfits online and trying to recreate them with pieces I already owned.

The more I took notice of patterns I saw, the more I enjoyed throwing outfits together. They might not be your style, but that’s the best part of it! Everyone has their own unique flare, and regardless of if you’re wearing the exact same thing as someone else, you’re bringing something unique to the look (speaking of fashion, I promise the NYFW video content is coming soon, I didn’t forget about it).

I have to give a huge shoutout to my Aunt Kathy and my mom who have inspired my outfits since before I can remember. I took note of my Aunt Kathy’s style at a young age. She always had such cool pieces on. She taught me to wear what makes me happy. I wanted to be like her. She even gifted me the outfit and shoes I’m wearing in these photos from when she was in her 20s - which deserves the biggest thank you ever!

My mom’s style is simple, yet elegant. She taught me the functionality of clothes and how you can turn one outfit into many with some creativity. I can’t thank them enough for their influence on me, and how I view style overall!

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Mary Banco Mary Banco

EARTHLY For The Planet

Anytime I get the chance to talk about this brand, I will JUMP on it!!

For those OGs back in 2019-2020 era, you may remember this brand. As her senior thesis project in school, my beautiful friend Jordan had the idea to make a sustainable fashion brand, promoting eco-conscious clothing. Each piece is made 100% one-of-a-kind, so you’re guaranteed a unique look!

Since EARTHLY began, they have saved, “188.01 lbs of fabric from landfills and 543 clothing items from landfills,” as well as walking in this year’s New York Fashion Week! AND they have just launched their new fall collection today, so I’d deffffffintely give that a look if you know what’s good for you (@earthlyfortheplanet on instagram /!

To say they are amazing is an understatement, and I’ve never been happier to watch its growth over the years! Thank you to Jordan for letting me reprise a little modeling for you - you’re changing the world! 🌎

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Mary Banco Mary Banco


Cue Harry Styles’ Don’t Worry Darling quote, '“Not EveRyOne Gets ThIS OPPortUNIty…” sorry I had to ….

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the future. What do I want to do with it? It’s constantly in the back of my head. It’s extremely taxing on my mind, but I keep pushing myself forward. I push myself to keep going. To experience new things. To reach for any opportunity possible.

And honestly, I’ve never been more grateful to be trying new opportunities in New York. Like I’ve said in past posts though, sometimes imposter syndrome is a big thing for me.

For context, I have some very exciting things coming up next week that I never thought were even possible for me. Being the anxious person that I am, I can’t help but feel like I’m not worthy. I keep asking myself things like “how did this happen,” or “what makes you so special?” And at the end of the day, I’m being toxic to myself, when I should be my own biggest fan.

And while it might take some time to embrace a one thousand percent positive mentality, I’m okay with the ups and downs for now. Along with the moments of self doubt, I have moments where I’m so proud of myself. I give my 12 year old self, who just discovered iMovie, a pat on the back. I remind her that she wouldn’t believe how far we’ve come learning how to take on the world so far, all at the age of 22.

I think it’s important for us all to remember just how capable we are. I had a friend tell me that at the end of the day, your abilities will shine by themselves, and all you have to do is trust that you got this. Yes, staying humble is also key, but in that humility you’re allowed to be happy with yourself. You’re allowed to celebrate, you’re allowed to smile at yourself.

Go ahead, cheer yourself on. Cause I guarantee you, the right people will be cheering you on right beside you. ◡̈

Keep your chin up, I’m rooting for you!!

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