21 Things I Learned in 2021

bestie mj and I :)

Happy New Years Eve!! As always, the end of each year comes with a lot of reflection. I like to think about what I went through, what I can improve on, and what I’m proud of.

Last year, I wrote down 20 things I learned in 2020, so I figured, why not continue the tradition! So ~enjoy~ 21 things I learned in 2021:

  1. Do not let bad situations deter you from being kind. No matter what happens, stay true to who you are.

  2. Trust yourself - when the time comes, you’ll know what to do (shoutout to momma bee for that quote).

  3. “Productivity” doesn’t always mean being on the go 24/7. You can still be productive by making time for yourself.

  4. It’s okay to recharge on your own.

  5. Be your own biggest cheerleader. There’s no use in beating yourself up for what you are/are not.

  6. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of.

  7. Be as present as possible.

  8. Reach out to your friends often - even if they seem to be doing fine.

  9. If you have a creative thought, act on it! It could turn into something amazing.

  10. Do not apologize for knowing how you should be treated. Stand your ground when things aren’t right.

  11. Today is a blessing.

  12. Let yourself be vulnerable with others. It’s okay to open up when you feel comfortable.

  13. Smile at strangers, always.

  14. Ask people about themselves - you’ll learn a ton from their personal stories.

  15. Do not wait for things to get better before you start celebrating the now.

  16. Trust the universe’s timing. Good things are ahead -say it until you believe it.

  17. Do not apologize for feeling every emotion. Allow yourself to feel - that’s a blessing (especially don’t beat yourself up for feeling sad, it’s not normal to be happy every single second).

  18. Drink more water! 🤪

  19. You are stronger than you think (and this time, I actually believe it).

  20. Don’t focus too much on what has gone or what is coming. Give yourself credit for where you are now and how much you’ve accomplished along the way!

  21. Finally, laugh things off. You always feel better after you find the humor in each situation.

Overall, I learned so much about myself this year. I went through some of the highest highs and lowest lows this year. 2021 challenged me like no other year before. But the lessons learned were invaluable, and I can’t wait for what 2022 has to offer! My resolution this year is to have no resolutions. I’m going in to the new year the same old me, being as present as I can. Right here. Right now.

I’ve linked the end of the year recap video I made below. I hope you enjoy, and like always, I’m here if you need me ❤️




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