Chin Up, I’m Back!

Hello hello! I hope you are all doing well :) I know it’s been about a month since I last posted on here. And while this break was necessary, I’d be lying if I said I had planned it. I’m gonna be extremely vulnerable today. 

I’d be lying if I said I strategically took time off to focus on me. I’d be lying if I said I was ~cleansing~ myself of social media. I’d even be lying if I told you I felt 1000% inspired to write a blog post about what was happening in my life. The truth is: I had no inspiration to write because I had felt completely and utterly drained by life. 

I love preaching positivity more than anything, but I also love keeping things as real as possible on here. So I felt you deserved to know: I haven’t been great. I haven’t been feeling super smiley all the time. I’ve actually felt pretty beaten down by life recently. I felt like bad news kept piling. And it felt awful. 

However, I gave myself some space to just let myself feel. I tried so hard, and am still trying to take my own advice of letting myself feel the crappy emotions. Letting myself have rough days. Because with those rough days, come better days. And this eventually became true for me. 

Something that weirdly comforted me was the fact that everyone goes through periods like this in their life. Periods of feeling drained. Periods of being down in the dumps. And while I wish I could tell you that there’s a cure-all for those yucky feelings, I don’t have one. I wish I could say that no one will ever feel that way again. But that would also be a lie. 

So here I am, attempting to maybe bring comfort to someone who is experiencing the same emotions by saying: I’m right here with you. This too shall pass. Days will get better. Days have gotten better. Whatever pent up worries or fears you have that may feel like they are piling, you’ll get through them.

I saw a post the other day that said to trust your future self with your future worries because the person needed to solve those problems in that moment will be born right there, out of the strength you already have. I thought that was beautiful. 

I hope you know you’re never alone, and that even the “happy people” feel sad sometimes. It’s normal. We’re growing and that’s all we can do. Be kind to yourself please ❤️


THON 2022


Take a Picture, It’ll Last Longer