23 Things I Learned in 2023

A few years ago, I made a tradition out of listing lessons I learned from the past year (matching said year obviously), and it became a favorite blog post of mine to write :) So simply, here that is! 23 things I learned in 2023:

  1. Trust yourself

  2. Change is hard, but how will you grow without it!

  3. Being by yourself is okay - it’s not a waste of time, you make somewhere a home

  4. Learning how you relax is important

  5. Take yourself on solo adventures

  6. Be open to new experiences

  7. Be open to new people

  8. Speak your mind whenever you can

  9. Savor each moment, but don’t let nostalgia take over

  10. Fearing the future makes the present less fun!

  11. Don’t let mistakes discourage you

  12. You’re allowed to be proud of yourself

  13. Remember to be happy for how far you’ve come, don’t just focus on where you want to be

  14. Rest time is just as important as being on the go

  15. Push yourself socially where you can, you’re bound to meet a new friend :)

  16. Keep up creativity, but if that creativity shifts into new things, don’t let that worry you

  17. It never hurts to ask, the worst they can say is no and you know you tried

  18. Your ideas aren’t dumb, but telling yourself they are is!

  19. Cherish family, friendship, and those who show up for you always

  20. Make note of when you feel your happiest

  21. Recognize when you feel not so happy

  22. Validate your emotions - you’re not a robot that feels one way all the time

And finally, my favorite advice of all time from my mother I add to each list:

23. When the time is right, you’ll know what to do :)

Wishing you a very Happy New Year and a wonderful 2024 full of exactly what you need! 🍾




New Years Reminders