New Years Reminders

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season if are celebrating the holidays :)

As we approach the new year, I think a lot of people use this time as a reflection period (I know I definitely do). While I think this can be a great time for looking back fondly on any highs or accomplishments, I think it’s easier for us to get in the mindset of critiquing our past year. It’s easy to think of all you could’ve done differently, things that maybe didn’t go right, etc.

Sometimes I think the internet can get into the mindset of having to become a new person in the next year. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s awesome to set goals for yourself and to begin some things with a fresh start. However, I think this can become toxic to ourselves if we hyper fixate on all the things that have to go “right” in the future.

There’s a saying I’ve seen that goes “If all you did this past year was survive, I’m proud of you.” Obviously, this can take on a bunch of different meanings, however, I think at its root, it emphasizes being proud of where you are. You don’t have to do anything monumental to celebrate you. Your life doesn’t have to be perfect to recognize how far you’ve come along. You’re allowed to celebrate your existence just because.

I think it’s helpful to remember that in the past, you’ve done the best you could with what you were given at that moment. At the present moment, you’re doing the best you can do now. And in the future, when the time comes, you will handle whatever life throws at you in the best way you can.

Starting a new year should not have the pressure of being perfect. It should be a time where you give yourself the grace and space you need to simply start again :)


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