Life Parallels

The other day, my friend Abbey and I were talking about our lives before moving to Charleston. While we’re close friends now, there were still some things we didn’t know about each other. We came to realize that we had lived extremely similar lives prior to meeting - they almost paralleled each other perfectly!

This got me thinking about “the invisible string theory” the internet is raving about. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically the concept of people, places, experiences, etc. being connected from a distance without knowing it (hence the invisible string), and finding each other when the timing is right. I absolutely love this way of looking at life and I think it brings a positive twist on any situation.

I like to think a lot of experiences in my life involve “an invisible string” parallel. I think my friends and I “finding each other” when the timing was right, was no coincidence. I think being drawn Penn State, to NYC, and to Charleston were no coincidences. Sure, not everything in life will have “chance” or “fate” involved, but I definitely think it can be applicable to a bunch of situations.

I believe in due timing, and hard as it is to accept sometimes, I think looking at life like it’s happening for us and not to us, is a beautiful thing. There’s so much beauty for you coming on the horizon, whether that be tomorrow, next week, in a few years - whatever! I think it’s an exciting thing to think about :)


New Years Reminders


6 Months in Charleston