6 Months in Charleston

6 Months in Charleston 🦪

I recently realized I’ve now been a Charleston resident for a little over 6 months - woohoo!! I cannot believe how quickly half a year has gone by already. So naturally, I thought it would be wholesome to do a little reflection so far :)

While it’s not a huge amount of time, I’m so proud of myself for taking the huge leap of faith and moving to the south on my own. The trust in myself and growth I feel like I’ve made as a person while being here is something I’ll always be grateful for! So in celebration of victories big and small, here are some things about Charleston that I adore:

For starters, everyone is genuinely so kind here (from what I’ve experienced at least). It truly caught me off guard when I moved here. I was so anxious to throw myself in a completely new environment, but the people really made it so easy! When I tell you Charleston has some of the kindest people I’ve encountered as “an outsider” moving in, I’m being serious. Chalk it up to southern charm if you want, but the kindness I’ve been shown by friends and strangers alike has definitely warmed my heart :)

It’s also a given that Charleston is one of the most beautiful places I’ve been. Living in a coastal town is still so new to me - I can’t wrap my head around living right next to the ocean. The views of the city’s colorful architecture mixed with the scenic marshes and surrounding harbor are unmatched.

While being on my own still has its challenges, moving here has helped me realized I can handle whatever comes my way. So here’s to this beautiful place that has quickly become another home to me 🤍


Life Parallels


Getting Cozy