My “Type”


Recently, I was asked by some friends what my “type” was. Not gonna lie, I was a little taken aback by this question because I’ve never really been asked it! Plus, I’ve surprisingly never even thought hard about it!

So what is my “type”of guy? Do I even have a “type?” After throwing the idea around in my head for a little, I’ve come up with a few things I thought a guy I might be interested in pursuing should have (does that even count lol). 

I definitely value kindness and compassion towards others above anything. If you’re a rude human or don’t consider others, it’s an automatic turnoff for me. Simple. 

But there are some other things I’ve thought of that I think are notable too. I find myself more comfortable around those who have a good sense of humor and are able to laugh at their own mistakes. I think being able to own up to being wrong is rare these days and I would definitely value that over someone with too much confidence.

I also noticed that I drift towards those who are able to hold a conversation. Don’t get me wrong this is super hard. And this doesn’t mean that if you’re a naturally shy person that I’m gonna shun you or something either (trust me when I say I probably come off hella shy when you first meet me). I just mean that if our entire conversation feels like an interaction with a substitute teacher....then perhaps I’ll walk away. 

Finally, one of the most important things for me is for the person to make me feel like I’m worth their time (let me explain that lol). Now I’m not in ANY way saying that I’m some queen of Genovia or whatever. I don’t mean for you to drop everything and bow down at my feet (that would be weird af too). I just mean, if you want to talk to me, tell me! I personally think “playing hard to get” is stressful at times and irritating to both parties. I’ve found that those who are straightforward with me and are easy to communicate with are such gems! 

Now if you’ve made it this far, you may be wondering what the point of me sharing all this with you is. And honestly, there is none! Call me picky or that I have “high standards” I guess, but I just think it’s nice for me to have a place to vocalize my thoughts and maybe give you some things to think about too! And who knows, maybe I do have a type after all!


My Style


The Path