My Style


This post idea is brought to you by the one and only Molly Gaffney (thank you love)!!

Molly asked me to talk a little bit about my clothing style and how I express myself through clothes! I think this is an interesting topic to cover because I personally think my clothing “style” is super broad! You can find me in a sundress and wedges or a big tshirt and sweats (and I could NOT forget about the iconic tennis skirt too hehe)!! 

I don’t consider myself a super fashionable person, but I do find different clothing trends interesting! I find it cool how different articles of clothing cycle in an out year to year, season to season. 

For example, I asked my mom the other day if it was weird for her to see styles like flare jeans and scrunchies come back. Even though she said she was used to older trends coming back by now, it did make me think about what styles today would come back labeled “vintage” when I’m an adult. Will tube tops and ripped jeans be considered “vintage” in the future? Who knows!

So I guess my answer to how I use clothing to express myself is: it depends on the mood I’m in! If I’m simply bored or in the mood to dress up, I will! If I want to feel comfy, I won’t hesitate to throw on a groutfit and call it a day! 


Take in Your Sun!


My “Type”