Take in Your Sun!


Personally, I feel myself in a better mood on days where the weather is nice. I love soaking up the sun and being outdoors on a nice day. 

However, recently I’ve been working on making each day - regardless of what the weather is - a wonderful one! If you spend your day in the right mindset, you’re bound to have at least one positive part to your day :) 

Obviously like many things, this is easier said than done, but something that helps me put things into perspective is the power we each have. As corny as it may sound, you have the power to create “the sun” you wish to see! Read that sentence again. 

Now I’m not saying each day will be absolutely perfect, so don’t get down on yourself if you’re not happy 1000% of the time (we’re human, we’re not supposed to be). All I’m saying is, with a little extra effort, you have all the power to mold each day into a great one - what an awesome thought right?! 


A Different Time


My Style