A Different Time


Today’s post is a little different from my others. I usually try to keep the blog very optimistic and focus on the positives of our given situation.

But I’d be lying if I said corona didn’t upset me…

Now yes, on one hand that statement sounds like a no-brainer - this virus is making everyone upset! And on the other hand, it could even sound selfish to complain about it.

But the reality is, there are many days where I do feel sad. I realize that it will take awhile for things to even feel “normal,” while I acknowledge that things will never be the same.

I’m also trying to come to terms with being sad. If there’s one thing these past 6 months have taught me, it’s that the sad days come in waves. I think most people try to avoid being sad at all costs, even if this could be more harmful for them in the long run.

Now I know I’ve written before about allowing myself to feel every emotion and working through sadness - but this is my reminder to myself, and you, to actually give ourselves a break. We get down on ourselves so fast when we’re not in a perfect, happy mood all the time!

I chose this photo above to remind myself of a time when corona wasn’t around. Cece and I would take late night trips to the grocery store (for icecream of course) without masks and goof off. And yes, that does make me sad!

But guess what, that’s okay! Feel sad (me reminding myself)!

As tough as it is to deal with, we shouldn’t be ashamed to have emotions during, dare I say, one of the most emotional times in history so far! A lot of things are happening right now, and if we don’t allow ourselves to feel during this time, we’re only sabotaging ourselves in the future.


Toss, Toss!


Take in Your Sun!