The Thing No One Talks About


As most people are aware in today’s world, and especially in college, there’s a big emphasis on the “hookup culture.” Us college students hear this phrase thrown around all the time, but I was actually curious to hear what other people thought about the subject…like really thought.

Now I’m very indifferent to this. People are allowed to make the choices they wish for themselves. So I thought it would be best to branch out and ask some friends their opinions about it - because a different perspective would be more interesting (big shoutout to those who participated in my survey btw ❤️). So I asked them a series of questions and thought the results were worth sharing!

Throughout the questions, I noticed that most people responded that the “hookup culture” was very prominent, and would only continue to grow overtime. Most were split on whether or not the hookup culture now is good or bad for young adults. The overarching theme I got from the responses was that as long as young adults are safe about their choices, this culture could be a good way for people to meet one another, learn more about what they want in a partner themselves, etc. However, I also got the sense that people worry this culture could allow space for trust issues as well.

I personally thought it was cool how each person’s response had a well-thought out reasoning based on what they personally value for their own relationships.

Overall, the “why” factor of this topic definitely isn’t talked about often and I think that should be changed!


All Natural


What My Shirt Says