All Natural


Here’s a photo of me in sweats, no makeup on, no fancy photo edits. Just me sitting on a little green chair making an…….odd……face….

Today I was thinking about that corny quote (like CORNY quote, I’m warning you in advance) that says “Surround yourself with people who feel like sunshine.”

Why was I thinking of this specific quote? I have NO idea! But it reminded me of the people in my life who help me feel the most like myself. When I’m around certain people, I get the same feeling of comfort these sweatpants bring me (…no not literally, but you get what I mean).

I put a lot of value in being able to be myself around others, so when I’m with those who bring out that feeling, I hold onto it!

I think there’s so much emphasis today on being perfect, acting perfect - images are constantly being put into our brain of what’s accepted and what’s not. Acceptance sometimes feels like a guessing game.

What I’m trying to say is, the moments in life when I’m with people who allow me to be completely and utterly me are so special. It’s almost like time stops for a minute. There are certain people I know that can instantly walk into a room and give me that sense of belonging, and that’s pretty amazing in my opinion!

Recently, I started thinking about how I wanted to make this a goal of mine. To make someone feel comfortable with being them self by also just being myself is what I can only hope for! ❤️


Making a Movie


The Thing No One Talks About