A Piece of My Mind


I thought that title was clever teehee….I have the humor of a 12 year-old I know….anyways….

Today I was doing some sociology homework, and I thought about my mind….I know SCARY.

Anyways, our lesson this week had me thinking about what my core thoughts are on the daily. What consumes my thoughts? Where does my mind wander to when I’m bored? Life moves so fast, I’ve never really sat down and analyzed what the bulk of my thoughts were, so today I did!

I started to notice that there were definite recurring thoughts on my mind, as well as the obvious day to day thoughts. I also noticed that my recurring thoughts weren’t necessarily the most positive ones either. I wanted my mind to be filled with excitement for the future and gratitude for life now. Instead, I found myself having those lingering worries about my general health and wellness (as I’m sure most people have currently, I know that’s not so special), as well as letting my insecurities build up in my head. I even had one of those “am I enough” moments we all go sadly through (the answer is obvi that you are enough by the way, don’t get it twisted)!

I’m glad I took the time to realize what lives “rent-free” in my mind, because I’m now gonna make a better effort to free myself of those stresses and spend more time looking forward to things. I’m not saying I’ll miraculously flip the switch and never stress again…like I would if I could haha….

While I know it’s pretty much impossible for anyone to not have worries, I know that with a little more push on my end, I can learn to give myself a break now and then from the heavy things in life!


Coming Soon!


Feeling Forgotten