Feeling Forgotten


After reading through my page recently, I noticed that the themes of my posts seemed inconsistent. Some days I stressed positivity and flipping our perspectives, and other days I got a little deeper and talked about embracing sadness.

I then found myself starting to stress about the fact that I write about a bunch of different ideas. However, after talking to my good pal Meghan, I was reminded to feel every emotion to its fullest. Feelings, especially during these times, are valid and real, so why not let them do their thing?

So on this note, I’ve decided to be okay with the fluctuating moods of my posts.

This brings me to my post tonight.

As much as I hate to admit it, today I had a feeling of being forgotten. Now I know this is simply not the case, however, it’s how I felt in the moment today. I felt invisible today and I’m not even sure why. I even pressured myself into not feeling that way, but that didn't seem to work either!

That’s when I saw a quote on Instagram that was almost scary-relevant to my emotions. It said, “I am choosing to trust: I have not been forgotten.” And that’s just what I needed to hear.

Everything right now seems so internalized, it’s easy to get in our own heads…and honestly…that’s okay! If you’re feeling invisible or forgotten, I hope you know you are not alone. Learning to deal with our ever-changing emotions is SO hard, and I hope you know that I care (and that I am probably feeling the same emotions as you are)! Please remember to let yourself be human once in a while, and I will do the same :)


A Piece of My Mind


Flipping My Perspective