Almost There!


YOU GUYS! Christmas is in a WEEK!! How fun!!

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I’m curious to know what you think of when someone mentions “the holiday season?” 

Since I live in the north, I associate the holidays with snow, family, and cold weather! But I’ve come to realize that this is definitely not everyone’s same idea. Maybe some people are used to palm trees and warm weather (which is hard for me to grasp, but like half the country knows this reality lol). 

I also associate Christmas with the feeling of youth I experience. The other day, I asked on my Instagram what holiday activities people loved to do when they were little, that they still love to do today. I got many responses like ‘decorating the tree & baking cookies with my parents’ or ‘watching holiday films & playing in the snow..’

I think it’s safe to say that many other people also associate the holidays with the innocent, pure joy that children so naturally possess. Whether this is relevant to you or not, I am here to remind you today to be a kid again! I give you a free pass to drop those adult rEsPoNsiBiLiTiEs. Go make yourself some hot chocolate, watch some cartoons, give yourself a break! You’ve earned it!


Small Victories


Watching the Snow Fall