Watching the Snow Fall


Right now, as I write this post, I am looking out my bedroom window, staring at the snow falling!

Ever since I was little, I’ve adored watching the snow fall. Something is so simple, yet so magical, about the little flakes everywhere. Life seems simpler when you’re snowed in on a cold winter night :) 

I’ve been battling my emotions (as per usual lol) this winter and taking a second to watch the snow got me thinking deep - so prepare yourself!

The other day, my mom and I were talking and she was sharing her daily wisdom with me hehe. She said something that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. She said “there’s peace in not knowing everything.” She mentioned how she’s not meant to know everything at all times. Life will unfold and reveal itself in due timing, and she was at peace with that fact. 

I decided that I would dedicate my time to try and adopt this mentality. And as I look at the snow, I realized why I find it so beautiful. We never think about a singular flake falling rapidly from the sky and hitting the ground. We don’t worry about where that one flake is on the ground. We look at the big picture and see all the individual flakes falling at once, creating a beautiful scene. 

How beautiful is it to think of life this way? I often struggle with wanting to know the answers to my worries right now. I want whatever is upsetting me to be unfolded when I want it to. And that’s simply not how life works! Every struggle in my life has revealed itself to me when it needed to be revealed, not when I wanted it to. Yes, this is an extremely hard concept to accept. Yes, the timing of life makes me mad sometimes. However, like falling snow, when I think of life moments I think of the big picture. I don’t obsess over one little snowflake. 

One thing I know is that I’ve made it this far. I don’t know where life will take me or how long I have, but I know that I’ve made it until this exact moment - me sitting on my bed, staring out the window at a snowfall like a little kid. The timing of everything up til now has been up to the universe, and I’m okay. I’m sitting here, alive and well, writing a blog post about snow. I know life will work itself out from here on out, because I choose to look at the big blizzard, not the single flake. ☺️❄️


Almost There!


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