The Inward Battle


Why don’t people ever write about the struggles they have? We project these ‘perfect’ images of ourselves online, but are they really perfect if they aren’t authentic? 

Well in attempts to reach that authenticity, today I’m gonna write about my struggles. I’m calling it “the inward battle.” Recently, I’ve noticed that I’ve been at war with myself and my emotions. Time and time again, I get mad at myself whenever I feel any emotion other than happiness. I try my best to project positivity 24/7, but I’d be lying to myself if I said I felt like that all the time. 

I’ve written before about how I oftentimes pressure myself to not feel sad or overwhelmed by life. I get frustrated when things make me feel upset longer than I hoped they would.  However, if there’s anything this year has taught me, it’s to allow myself to lean into sadness and disappointment.

Now this doesn’t mean we should stay there, but I mean lean into it. Allow yourself to fully feel what you’re feeling for some time, and be patient with however long that takes - because if you try to avoid it all together, you’ll end up feeling worse. If the sad thing you thought you were over comes back, let it! Don’t get mad at yourself because emotions take time to work out (trust me I KNOW how hard this is). 

It’s okay. You are okay.

This year was so incredibly hard for most of the globe, and you’re handling it like a pro. I promise you! 

I love the quote, “Check up on your strong friends.” I think it really does justice to how internalized we all can be, and honestly, have been forced to be during this year. We can’t physically see each other like we used to, so we become our own cheerleaders. But we shouldn’t have to take on everything by ourselves. 

Disclaimer: those who you think have it all together, definitely don’t - check up on them once and awhile. The friends you know are struggling, check up on them too! It’s all we have right now. You never know what anyone is truly going through unless you ask. We’re all fighting our own inward battles everyday, the least we can do is help ease someone else’s fight too!


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