

Today I was almost seconds away from getting into a bad car crash. Seconds. That’s not an exaggeration either.

Now don’t worry, the key word here is almost. Luckily, me and everyone else on the road are totally fine. Nobody got hurt. Nobody crashed. I am incredibly fortunate and beyond thankful to the universe that everyone was okay. Truly.

(Btw if you’ve been in an accident before, you may not want to read the next paragraph. Although an accident didn’t happen, the last thing I would want is for me to bring you any unneeded anxiety ❤️).

Basically, a few cars in front of me, a car had a big merging error that caused multiple cars to come to a complete stop in the middle of a major road. The backup happened so suddenly that it caused the cars in front of and behind me to nearly miss sandwiching my car. The car behind me managed to swerve enough (mind you, at 70mph) to save all of us from crashing. And for that I’m so so incredibly grateful.

Now the point of this post is not to discuss the almost-accident. It’s to talk about how it shifted my view on things. We’re always told to cherish every moment on this earth. We’re told that we only have today, this exact moment. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. And until now, that fact hasn’t fully resonated with me. I realize how crazy lucky I got. I also realize how others out there unfortunately have not been so lucky.

I think now more than ever, I am encouraging you (and myself because I simply need to take this advice) to live for today. I know I’ve touched on this before, but whatever you’re holding back on doing? Go for it. Start a new passion. Take a leap of faith. Tell people how much you love and cherish them. Go take yourself on adventures. I’m serious. I know how easy this is to say and not mean it, but I mean it more than ever now.

I chose this photo to accompany this post, because it was a moment of true happiness. I felt alive, I felt in the moment. Hunting for waterfalls with my mom are memories we made that I’ll always cherish. Moments like those are moments I’m gonna keep chasing the rest of my life.

I think the best thing we can do for ourselves is live as authentically as we possibly can. If we value people, we tell them. If we like something, we do more of it. I think as long as we keep that goal in our minds, we’re bound to cherish as many moments as we can. I love you and I’m so so thankful :)


The Double Feature


Still Kickin’