Everything to Me

There’s no words I can put together that accurately describe how grateful I am for the people in my life. But I’m going to try.

I talked in my last post about how I was encouraged to cherish the small moments in life and the time I have with friends - and while I don’t think I’ve ever taken that for granted, I’ve never felt more appreciative of those things than I have now.

I won’t lie, right now my life is full of unknowns. I know I’ve said this before but unknowns are incredibly exciting. But something I’ve struggled with facing them is self doubt (I also struggle with verbalizing how much I care about things, if you can’t tell, so bear with me if this makes no sense).

When I deal with change - big and small - I feel like I tend to self doubt and second guess my place with others, no matter how close we are (which makes zero sense I know but I can’t help it).

However, something that helps me through unknowns are the moments that would otherwise be seen as “simple.”

For example, having my friends cram into my studio apartment to paint pumpkins on the floor, or gossiping with friends at our local coffee shop, or collecting new friends along each new adventure, or swimming in the ocean after a long day. Even though these moments happen often, they have never been simple to me. Like I said, they mean more to me than I can put into words.

When I look back at my life and my favorite memories, these are the memories that always will be cherished the most in each stage of my life. Playing with neighbors outside and putting on shows for my parents growing up, movie nights and coffee shops in high school, college late night grocery store runs & laughing during class with friends, post-grad exploring new neighborhoods on Sundays in New York, touring art galleries & nights on the beach in Charleston - all of these moments almost make me emotional to think about because they mean everything.

While I can’t guarantee my specific memories will be relevant to anyone, I am comforted knowing that those memories hold more weight to me than any self doubt could. No matter what’s ahead, I’ll look back fondly at moments that were & are everything to me.

