Beach Dwellers


Often when I go to the beach, the first thing I notice are the personalities around me. I observe people in their own little worlds, having their own conversations (and honestly sometimes I tune into the convo...nosy I know.... but I can’t help it I’m curious)!

Over the years, I have definitely noticed patterns in who I see. For example, there’s always a group of college boys playing games, making them look WAY more intense than they are (sorry not sorry). Have no fear though! Right there with them is usually a group of girls as well, talking extra loud about what Chad said Vanessa said to Brittany etc. etc.... And finally, my personal faves.... the frequent young couple or family with little kids getting into trouble and running everywhere. 

As I sit here and watch them (lol kinda creepin woops), I notice myself commenting on the boys’ egos, the girls loud talking, and the young couple’s parenting style. I find myself drawing all these conclusions about people based on the my one interaction with them that day. 

This got me thinking, I wonder what people think about me when they see me out and about? Have you ever wondered what people think you’re all about as you sit there too? Do I look friendly? Do I have a bad RBF? Do I look like I’m 12? I’ll never know! 

I find it so interesting how human beings are constantly “judging” each other through quick glances, without even knowing it (and when I say judging I’m not talking about it in a negative way, I just mean a surface-level, quick assumption). 

Regardless of who they are and what they’re doing, Ill always respect these beach dwellers because I’m one of them too! 


The Path


My Blue Shoes