My Blue Shoes


When’s the last time you got excited about something?

Like ....genuinely excited?

I know quarantine has taken a toll on everyone mentally and physically, so I know it might be difficult to think of something truly exciting that has happened to you. I know each day seems similar to the next, and although things are slowly returning, it can still be hard.

I realized my “exciting” moment was when I won a shoe giveaway. Yes, I won this blue pair of shoes and I’m obsessed with them! As silly as it sounds, waiting for this pair of shoes to come in the mail was genuinely exciting for me, I feeling I know a lot of us may be lacking these days.

So I decided to challenge myself to make each day exciting, no matter how big or small. I try my best to think of something to look forward to each day, and honestly it’s been so fun! I can definitely tell my mood has improved too!

So I challenge you now to make each day as exciting as it can be! Whether this is reaching out to a friend, splurging on a new coffee drink, or literally just taking pictures of your cute shoes haha. I think we can all benefit from giving ourselves a mental break once a day!

(Also: big thank you again to Linea Paolo shoes❤️ - I’m wearing their sky blue suede MARTA shoes in the pictures above)


Beach Dwellers


The First Impression