
Cue Harry Styles’ Don’t Worry Darling quote, '“Not EveRyOne Gets ThIS OPPortUNIty…” sorry I had to ….

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the future. What do I want to do with it? It’s constantly in the back of my head. It’s extremely taxing on my mind, but I keep pushing myself forward. I push myself to keep going. To experience new things. To reach for any opportunity possible.

And honestly, I’ve never been more grateful to be trying new opportunities in New York. Like I’ve said in past posts though, sometimes imposter syndrome is a big thing for me.

For context, I have some very exciting things coming up next week that I never thought were even possible for me. Being the anxious person that I am, I can’t help but feel like I’m not worthy. I keep asking myself things like “how did this happen,” or “what makes you so special?” And at the end of the day, I’m being toxic to myself, when I should be my own biggest fan.

And while it might take some time to embrace a one thousand percent positive mentality, I’m okay with the ups and downs for now. Along with the moments of self doubt, I have moments where I’m so proud of myself. I give my 12 year old self, who just discovered iMovie, a pat on the back. I remind her that she wouldn’t believe how far we’ve come learning how to take on the world so far, all at the age of 22.

I think it’s important for us all to remember just how capable we are. I had a friend tell me that at the end of the day, your abilities will shine by themselves, and all you have to do is trust that you got this. Yes, staying humble is also key, but in that humility you’re allowed to be happy with yourself. You’re allowed to celebrate, you’re allowed to smile at yourself.

Go ahead, cheer yourself on. Cause I guarantee you, the right people will be cheering you on right beside you. ◡̈

Keep your chin up, I’m rooting for you!!


EARTHLY For The Planet


My First Week in New York