Self-Portrait Challenge

Tonight, I challenged myself to something out of my usual comfort zone - I took some photos of myself! I’ve been seeing this trend going around of photographers challenging themselves to take self-portraits, and I thought I’d give it a shot too! 

I’ve always liked the idea of themed photoshoots, and made it a goal of mine to try more of them. I wanted to use newspapers as my background, but I was struggling to find a concept to go along with them. Then, I saw a headline (it’s hard to read, but it’s the one right behind my head) that read “Women in the Tech Industry,” and I immediately knew I wanted that to be the center of the shot (found it fitting too for my future industry hehe)! 

While they’re not perfect and I’m obviously not a model, I had a TON of fun figuring out lighting and the camera angles I needed, as well as staging myself in the shoot - it was definitely a challenge for sure!

If you’d like to see more of the photos from this shoot - I added a section to the photography tab of my website called “Conceptual Photography.” I’d love it if you checked them out! ❤️


Premiere 3!!


Tis the Season