Tis the Season

As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to remind everyone to take it easy on yourself. I know I’m a broken record when it comes to this theme - but I truly mean it, now more than ever. Let me explain.

Towards the end of each year, usually near the holidays, I start to compile moments to make a video recapping my entire year. This process is one of my favorite things on the planet to do, and it always leads to a ton of reflection on my end.

I reflect about what I’ve done in the past year. I reflect about how I felt. I reflect about who I was at the beginning of the year, and who I am now. This year in particular, I learned more about myself than ever before. The one theme that seemed ever present in everything I faced this year was: caring.

Wow, does that six letter word have a hold on my life.


If I’m being completely honest, at times, this year has made me resent how much I care. How much moments mean to me. How much people mean to me. How much I value my own emotions.

One thing I still struggle with is: allowing myself to care. Sometimes when things are hard on me, I let myself believe that things would be easier if I didn’t care. Things would be easier if I didn’t feel. I feel like in today’s world, it’s almost expected of us not to care about anything. Everything is supposed to just roll right off our backs. We can’t show our weaknesses to anyone.

Boy, is that the wrong idea.

Let me tell you how much of a blessing it is to care. Please care. We need more people who do care. Caring is beautiful. Caring allows you to unlock a sense of empathy like no other. Caring lets you be there for others. Caring is being human.

This holiday season, I need you to know that I care. And I’m not just saying that: I’ll always care. I need you to know that you’re not alone, and you never will be as long as I’m here with you. I see you. I see how hard you’re working: don’t stop that. No matter what. It’s going to pay off for you so so soon! I have no doubt in my mind about that.

Please don’t make my mistakes and beat yourself up over such a beautiful thing. Your big, beautiful heart is not something to be ashamed of. I don’t care who tries to tell you otherwise or what your doubts are telling you.

Tis the season to care each day (not just the holidays lolz). And like always, if you ever need anything, I’m always here. Caring. ❤️


Self-Portrait Challenge


Life Update!