Take a Picture, It’ll Last Longer

Happy first week back to classes (if it is for you, I know it is for my school hehe)! 

I simply am in awe that this is my last semester of college. Like 8/8. The final countdown. Last lap in Mario kart. I can’t even fathom it. 

I really think this saying above applies to me because I quite literally…take a picture of everything LOL. That’s a given. But in all honesty, I’ve done a lot of thinking about what I want this semester to be. What if this saying could mean something a little deeper?

Regretfully, I have spent a lot of time being sad over things coming to a close or ending. It’s hard to come to terms with the “lasts” of your time somewhere. But I think reframing how I think of life and where I am has helped me so far, so maybe it can help you!

I know I touched on this before, but instead of putting so much pressure on yourself to “remember everything before it’s gone,” why not just stay in the present? As much as I hate to admit it, time marches on whether we like it or not. We can spend our time being sad about how we’ll miss these days in our future or stressing over whether every single thing is perfect for our “lasts” of everything. Or we could simply just exist. That’s it! 

No matter how much pressure you put on yourself to cherish every single moment, it won’t change the outcome of the future. Of course we want to savor what is happening now. Of course we want to look back with happy memories. But it shouldn’t affect how we live our lives now. We shouldn’t be living in fear that the future won’t be as great as our present.

Guess what the common factor in both present and future are? You! And if the present is great (or maybe not even super great), then the future could be just as amazing or even more with you conducting it! 

I’m sure no matter how you’re conducting yourself, you’re doing the very best you can at this given moment. And that’s all you can ask of yourself! So take a picture of your life right now. Enjoy it! The memory might last longer with photo evidence,  yes. It won’t last forever, but I’m sure your future endeavors will be just as amazing as where you are now.


Chin Up, I’m Back!
