The 1st Birthday


I remember where I was sitting and exactly how excited I felt. I had vaguely thought of making a blog for years, but I never truly had the time to sit down and consider doing it before. 

April 4, 2020 - roughly a month into global quarantine. I was feeling super antsy and bored out of my mind (lol I really thought I knew boredom then huh...) So I decided to FaceTime on of my best friends and favorite humans, Teddy, for some much needed serotonin hehe ;) 

We got to talking about life, and I randomly mentioned to him how I’ve always wanted to start a blog. He paused and all he said to me was....”do it.” We ended up facetiming for 4 hours, as I created the website, and that was that!

Here we are a year later, and I owe him a huge thank you. This blog has become one of my favorite creative outlets. I love sharing my thoughts in the moment and having a kind of digital diary for the future! 

Writing about whatever’s going through my mind and sharing it with you has been such a cool experience - and I really appreciate the feedback I’ve gotten along the way :) This blog has brought me so much happiness this year, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds! 

So thank you to Teddy and those who read my crazy thought processes each week and share their own thoughts with me :) I love you very much!! 

Also, to those who are celebrating it today, I wish you and your families a very Happy Easter!! 🐣🐰 Summer’s just around the corner!!


My Tea Party


Stop Scrolling!