The Backstory

The other day, my uncle started asking me about my films. As we got talking, he asked me a question I hadn’t really thought hard about before. He said “What was the moment you knew you loved film?” Its such a simple question, but it really made me think about my life and my influences, so I thought I’d take a second to fill you in on some of the motivating factors along my little film journey so far. This is a little elaboration on my very first post ever on this account ;)

As you know (or maybe not woops who knows), I am a Film Production major. My friends and I grew up putting on little plays and shows for my parents all the time. Once I realized i could record these little shows and save them, I was hooked. I’ve been making these little home videos since I was 12 years old.

When I got to high school, I never thought I could pursue film as a major. I didn’t think it was “practical” enough. I didn’t necessarily believe I could make it into a career. I remember I pushed myself to take a film class my junior year, because deep down I knew it was still a passion of mine. I started thinking more critically about what a future in film could look like. I think the moment I knew I was hooked was when I was watching a movie, and I wasn’t paying attention to the cute heartthrobs or the drama, I was looking at the framing and cinematography of each shot. From then on, my mind became a constant running movie. I started seeing life through the eyes of “What can I film?” or “Ooh that would be a cool shot!” And boom. Mary Bee Films was born! :) 

On the flip side, I have a minor in Sociology as well. Now for many people, this combination of film and soc does not make sense. But for me, learning about what people like vs. dislike, what makes people feel certain ways or not, is super helpful. My only goal as a filmmaker is to make my audience feel something. Anything. And this all helps me make my films better.

(That being said, little shameless plug here, today I released a trailer for my new film, “Convergence.” It plays on Sociology, combining both my major and minor, and focuses on how we all affect each other whether we know it or not. Link below)!




Just Like a Flower