The Classics

Isn’t there an old vine that’s like, “have you read the classics? oh I’ve read. I’ve READ the classics”

(Maybe I’m making this up but I thought it went something like that maybe? I’m sleep deprived at the moment so I’m not sure tbh. Also pretty positive you shouldn’t put punctuation inside parenthesis but here we are). Anyways.

Have you read the classics? Now I’m not talking the book classics (cause honestly, I probably haven’t). I’m talking your about your friends!

You might be thinking, mary, is this some kind of weird analogy …


Today I was talking with a friend I’ve known throughout all my college years, and we found out we knew so much, yet actually so little about each other LOL.

The necessities we knew, yes. The shared experiences, absolutely, we’re not strangers. However, when it came to like our classic behaviors or habits we were shocked at the new intel - and let me tell you, it was super funny figuring it out!

So my challenge to you today is if you think you know someone, ask them their “classics” (it could be literally anything you’re curious about). I guarantee you you’re in for an entertaining conversation!


My First Week in New York


Little Miss Sunshines