The Finish Line


As the semester comes to a close, I’ve been feeling a mix of emotions. Relief, from all the semester stress and work. Sadness, since my senior friends will be moving on soon :( And finally, nostalgia, as I’m becoming that college senior 😦 who let that happen..

However while I’ve been going through all the feelings, I’ve started to notice how isolating it can be to approach the semester finish line. Each semester brings new change. It’s hard not to feel invisible. It’s hard not to feel unsure when life feels unsure, in the transition periods of your life. 

What I’ve been reminding myself is that, as draining as this semester and these emotions have been, I know I’m not invisible. I know I’m not unsure of myself. I might feel worn out, but I owe it to myself to continue to grow. To continue to care. Whatever challenges are on the horizon, I know I’ll be okay. Little reminder that all we can be is ourselves, and that will always be good enough :)  


You’ve Come So Far


My Tea Party