You’ve Come So Far


The other day, I found myself getting stressed about my productivity. I was worried that I wasn’t doing enough, or experiencing enough. I started to stress myself out about everything that I felt I wasn’t. 

It wasn’t until my bestie bean Teddy reminded that it’s okay to not being doing stuff 24/7. He told me he was proud of everything I’ve done and have been doing up until now. He said he saw how hard I’ve been working (❤️). 

And that’s a weird thing for me to say, because I really don’t believe it often. I always put the pressure on myself to do more - and I really don’t know why. 

So here’s a little reminder that I have to get better at remembering: it’s okay to give yourself a break once in a while. Obviously, we should push ourselves to grow and move forward, but it’s also okay to reflect on what we already have accomplished. We should give ourselves credit where it’s due, and not feel bad about that! 

If you think you should do more, be more... think of this first. You’ve come so far. What have you already done, what are you right now? Cause whatever it is, is something to be proud of :)


Why I Do What I Do


The Finish Line