Tunnel Vision


Sometimes I think it’s hard to not to have tunnel vision. We’re so focused on the future and pushing ourselves to achieve our goals - which is obviously great, we need to keep looking forward or else we won’t get anywhere.

However, I think it’s easy for the future to be overwhelming for people. Obviously, each individual experience we face shapes who we are now and who we become in the future. 

But we shouldn’t try to force ourselves to completely set up our future today. The future is unknown! And while that’s a daunting thought, it’s also very exciting! We don’t have to know everything. We don’t have to have it all together. We’re not supposed to! All we know is now. 

Who is supporting you now? Who do you hold on to when life feels crazy? Who is cheering you on today? These questions are how we figure out the now. 

So wherever you are in your journey: maybe you’re confused in your present or scared for the future, give yourself a break! You’re doing the absolute best you can at this given moment. As much as it feels like everyone has it figured out, they don’t. You don’t need tunnel vision to the future to be successful right now and neither do they. 

Everything will be okay. I promise. And if it’s not? You’ll know what to do when the time comes. You always do.



