
I was once told that worries are just fears of the unknown - and if I’m being honest, there’s currently many unknowns in my life. (I’m totally working on not worrying about what hasn’t happened yet but it’s hard for me teehee).

While I know that worrying about things won’t affect the outcome either way, I have to remind myself that I worry because I care.

I know, that sounds insane. But it’s true.

I care a whole lot. I’m sentimental. People, places, things, memories, all have value to me. As crazy as it sounds, I think it’s almost comforting to know that I try my best to put love in the forefront everything I do, including any worries I might have.

Something that recently has kept me going is two words one of my late family members, Jerry, once said. She told me I “had moxie!”

Now, do I know what that is exactly….no I do not! But what I do know is that she always believed in me creatively. She never doubted me amidst any unknowns I would face in my life, and I’ll always admire her for that.

The past month, I was in a little bit of a creative block on my blog. I started to beat myself up over it. Then I realized, I’m only hard on myself because I love to create things. Who cares if it’s perfect, who cares if it’s constant! I can find many different ways to be creative, nobody is keeping score.

Jerry’s words helped me see the bigger picture of my life from the outside in. She saw positivity in any perseverance. There’s joy found amongst the stresses. There will be future joys waiting to happen to us. I think with this mentality, my worries about anything in the future don’t seem as big :)


One Year in Charleston 🦪


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