Your Story

The other day, I was on a walk reflecting on life (cause why would I walk in peace), and I started to the ink about the different choices I’ve made throughout my life that have led me to the present.

I know I’ve definitely talked before on here about how life could be looked at like it’s all connected, but recently I’ve found comfort in how connected everything truly is!

For example, I always think about how if I hadn’t gotten bored one day and turned on a tv show, I would’ve never discovered my current home. If I had never posted a silly video practically begging the internet for friends (so cringey I know, but heck it worked…..twice!!), I may have never met many of the lovely ladies that are now my close friends :)

I think it can be comforting to look at life like it’s a series of choices that lead to different paths. Not in an intimidating way like, “if you make the wrong choice, this or that could happen,” but rather, the kind of way that opens new doors.

It’s difficult for me to not be in my own head when I make choices in life. I get caught up in “what’s right” and end up thinking about the future too much. Like moving to new places, yes, a ton of things are strategically thought out, but a huge chunk of it is based on gut feelings! Where you think you might like, what you think might sound like a good fit.

I like having the reminder that there doesn’t have to be so much pressure in present decisions. Yes, there’s some luck involved with how decisions and choices play out, but i’ve found the majority of things I worry about are just me second guessing myself. Things often turn out better than I think they will, and if they don’t, then I know I have enough faith in myself to figure things out as they happen.

I think what keeps life interesting is not knowing every opportunity that will result from every choice. All we do know is what feels right in this moment. How exciting is it to know that each day you wake up, your story could change?!




My 4th Birthday