What I Learned in 2024
Every time I sit down and try to write about 2024, I get stuck. I originally wanted to continue my trend where I match the lessons I learned with the number of the year, but that didn’t feel right this year.
I started this blog aiming to authentically write what I’m thinking, no matter how high or how low.
So in full transparency, 2024 was one of the hardest years of my life (with that, however, there were also many very beautiful moments of 2024 that I’ll forever be grateful for)!
This past year, I struggled with beating myself up over any emotion of mine that wasn’t happy or content. There were moments where I felt completely alone and moments where I felt completely seen. There were many times where I had to remind myself that it’s okay to feel.
It’s okay to let yourself feel. I think so much of our world today has glorified taking emotion out of everything. Nobody wants anyone to know that they care, that they feel. It’s not cool! That’s bs!!
I’ve realized that I’m not someone who can’t care. I can’t shut it off. I do care. I’ll always care. And that’s something I’ve oftentimes hated about myself. Trust me....hated. But I’ve come to realize that this is also something I love most about myself. I will go the extra mile. I will show up. I do care.
Yes, there are situations where you can’t let emotions get involved. I completely understand that. I, in no means, am here saying that having these emotions makes someone weak or fragile. That’s just not the case. As a matter of fact, I think caring is one of the bravest things someone can do.
Caring does not make you weak. It is your superpower. I decided that I’m done beating myself up about the emotions I feel. I want to feel deeply. I want to experience everything deeply.
My (very) long story short, this past year has made me really sit with emotions and accept them. Good or bad, the emotions are there. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling them. There’s no perfect way to feel 24/7. Emotions don’t consume you, you feel them as you see fit for each situation you encounter.
While I don’t have 24 lessons, I’m telling you 24 times that emotions are valid - feel them!!
- 🐝