Your Window of Opportunity


I think it’s hard sometimes to feel like we have a lot of opportunity during times like these. With so many events and ceremonies being cancelled, it feels like there’s a huge gap in our society at the moment. I try my best to stress positivity, but I know how hard it is to constantly keep your head up.

However, I had a thought about quarantine today that I hadn’t thought before. If you think about it, this is obviously an unprecedented event in history (you’re probably like, yeah Mary we know….and it sucks…..but trust me I have a point to this).

This moment is so monstrous to humanity that I often have myself thinking, what’s next? How is society going to look after we emerge back? We’re all aware that this virus has put everything on hold, but what about when it’s over?

Yes, that can be scary and overwhelming to think about, but you could also look at the opportunities that loom ahead. I have faith that the job market will once again explode! The future really does hold so much promise!

Keeping that hope for the future in mind, I’m telling you that right now is your window of opportunity! You’re picking up so many skills right now and you don’t even know it!

Not only are you learning how to constantly keep yourself entertained, but you’re also learning how to complete work remotely or in a crisis scenario. We as a society are learning how to be more empathetic towards one another. We’re learning how to value the simple things in life and not take things like going to the grocery store for granted. We’re even learning how to deal with our emotions all the time without distractions - which is a huge task in itself!

I guess what I’m trying to say is that while being inside seems grim, there’s so much promise yet to come! Your opportunity is now! You have so much opportunity to keep learning new things about yourself and collect those for future endeavors.

So tell them what you’ve been putting off saying, call that old friend, try that new recipe!

You have all this time, why not fill up your mental resumé and create some new memories for yourself!


A Maze of a Story


Don't Take Life Too Seriously Too Much!